Leaving a legacy
Legacies, along with conventional donations to KSO’s Endowment Trust, enable us to plan for the next decades of the orchestra’s development.
Legacies left to qualifying charities, such as KSO, are exempt from inheritance tax – and if you leave more than 10% of your estate to charity, the tax due on the rest of your estate may be reduced from 40% to 36%.

© Neil Ritson
Making a bequest
Legacies can be left for fixed amounts (specific or pecuniary bequests) as either cash or shares, but a common way to ensure that your loved ones are provided for is to make a residuary bequest, in which the remainder of your estate is distributed to one or more charities of your choice after specific bequests to your family and friends have been met.
If you include a bequest to KSO in your will, please tell us that you have done so; we can then keep you up to date and, if you choose, we can also recognise your support. Any information you give us will be treated in the strictest confidence and does not form a binding commitment of any kind.

© Sim Canetty-Clarke
To leave a legacy or to find out more, speak to your solicitor or contact Neil Ritson, the chair of KSO’s Endowment Trust, on 020 7723 5490 or neil.ritson@kso.org.uk