Tutti rehearsal at The Grey Coat Hospital School Sports Hall
The Grey Coat Hospital School Sports Hall St Michael's Site, 98 Regency Street, London10.00 - 11.00 - everything involving piano, harp, mandolin, timp/perc (Pno Hp Mand Timp/perc) 11.00 - First pas de 3 (bars 146-253) 3000; 0 2 1st and 3rd tbn; 1 vln 1 va 3 vcl 3 cb; hp mand pno timp/perc 11.20 - Pas de deux (bars 411-462) strings only (break for harp pno mand perc) 11.40 - Pas de deux, coda, four duos, four trios (bars 463-561) 3000; 4 2 3; str; pno, mand, Timp/perc 12.00 - Second pas de trois (bars 278-386) 3032; 0 3 3; str; perc hp pno 12.10 - work through piece from the top (bars 1-620) full 1.00 - lunch 2.00 Rachmaninov